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2022 First Quarter Sales

Publicado 19/04/2022

Lectura 2 min

Revenue of € 135.8 million in the first quarter of 2022, up 25% compared to 2021 (*)

2022 Quarter 1 Activity:

(*) The amounts and changes presented in the title and below are at constant exchange rates, excluding the application of IAS29 (Argentine hyperinflation).
In line with 2021, the global aerial work platform market showed sustained growth in the first quarter of the year in all geographical areas, despite persistent supply difficulties for certain components and the initial effects of the war in Ukraine. In this context, Haulotte recorded sales of € 135.8 million in the first quarter of 2022, compared with € 106.0 million for the same period last year.
In Europe, sales increased by +21% in the first quarter compared to the same period last year.
In Asia-Pacific, the Group recorded a +43% increase in sales for the quarter compared with the first quarter of 2021, driven in particular by its business in Australia.
In North America, Haulotte posted growth of +19% in the first quarter, driven by a clear rebound in the scaffolding business, which grew by +47% over the period.
In Latin America, Haulotte achieved sales growth of +45% compared to the same period last year, driven by its sales in Brazil.
All of the Group's activities showed an increase compared with Q1 2021. Equipment sales are up by +26%, rental activity is up by +31% and service activity is up by +19%.

2022 Outlook:

Despite a very complicated environment linked to the persistent shortage of certain components, the Ukrainian crisis and the rebound of the Covid-19 epidemic in China, the commercial dynamic observed over the last few months shows no sign of slowing down for the moment, enabling the Group to post a level of order backlog that is still up compared to its last publication and to confirm a growth in sales of more than +20%.
The effects of the Ukrainian conflict on the cost of components, energy and transport, and the responses to be made, are currently being assessed. Given the uncertainties linked to the impact and duration of the conflict, the Group is not in a position to confirm, at this stage, its current operating margin targets for 2022.

Upcoming event:

General meeting: May 24, 2022
2022 HY Results: September 6, 2022

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